A new year. A new beginning. And a new way to keep you up to date with everything that’s happening at Maerten & Partners: No Nonsense! The monthly newsflash that’s no nonsense by name and no nonsense by nature.
Under the radar
Up until now, we’ve always relied on referrals and word-of-mouth advertising to keep our business running and growing. No doubt, this is a result of our commitment to working transparently, providing only the best candidates and basically just cutting the crap. Besides, when you devote all your time and energy to matching great interim and project managers with great companies, there is simply no time for prospecting or self-promotion.
Time for a change?
Lately, however, we’ve been getting the same advice from various sources: it’s not a bad idea to pop up on the radar every now and again. Because there are still plenty of companies out there who need good project or interim managers. And there are plenty of project and interim managers who need a good challenge. And they all appreciate doing business with partners who operate with integrity, charge fair commissions and invest in building real, long-term relationships. No Nonsense! helps bring both parties together in a mutually beneficial relationship.
To the point
Want a small dose of No Nonsense! in your inbox each month? Sign up below for fresh insights, relevant market research and revealing inside reports that cut straight to the chase. Without the nonsense.
Sincere regards,
Tom Maerten, Véronique Renier & Els Barbier
P.S. Know anyone (potential client or interim manager) who needs a little less nonsense? Spread the news and forward them this message!